Headmaster Wanted

St. John Bosco School/Chesterton Academy (combined, k-12) in Rochester, NY, is searching for a new headmaster going into the 2019-2020 school year. https://www.johnboscoschools.org/  (k-8)  https://www.chestertonacademyofrochester.org (9-12) If interested, please...

8th Annual Conference for Priests

Eighth Annual Conference for Priests The Diocese of Providence and The Thomistic Institute Evangelizing Your Parish (details are contained in the download) 8th Annual Conference for PriestsDownload

Ablaze Missionary Openings

Please take a look at these great opportunities from Ablaze Missionary……Hope you are well and had a happy Easter! I work for a Catholic missionary youth ministry organization in Texas, and we have a few job openings we are looking to fill as soon as...

Updated Website!

Current students have you seen Holy Apostles new and improved website? If not…you need to take a look. This is where you will find all of the important information that you need to know: https://holyapostles.edu/current-students/

Holy Apostles Graduation 2019

The energy is nothing but pure excitement at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Do you remember the butterflies that were in your stomach as you approached one of the most important days of your life? The perseverance through all the hard work and obstacles were...